
Riparian vegetation diversity and its influencing factors of Huaijiu River in Beijing

  • KONG Qingxian ,
  • XIN Zhongbao ,
  • XIA Xiaoping
  • School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2017-07-23

  Revised date: 2017-10-30

  Online published: 2017-12-29


The plant diversity is one of the important ecological factors in the riparian, as an important symbol of the riparian healthy. In order to ensure the riparian health in Beijing mountainous area and reveal its influencing factors, sampling and indoor analysis are carried out, to study the relationship between the plant diversity and the environmental factors. According to the principle component analysis and the cluster analysis, the Huaijiu river riparian falls into six types, namely, the natural riparian, the near-natural riparian, the artificial bank plant riparian, the artificial bank ornamental plant riparian, the artificial bank sparse plant dry-stone riparian, and the artificial bank masonry riparian. With the increase of the elevation, the diversity index of the riparian increases. Different riparian types have different variations of plant species, and the diversity index of the artificial bank masonry riparian is significantly lower than other riparian types (n=50, P<0.05). The riparian tree and shrub Shannon diversity and Margalef abundance index are significantly lower than those of the herb (n=50, P<0.05), and the herbaceous plants may adapt to the environment easily and with flexibility that makes various and abundant plant species, while the trees and shrubs are vulnerable to the human influences and have lower diversity and abundance. The Pearson correlation analysis shows that the riparian plant Shannon diversity index and the hardening area ratio and the slope types have significantly negative correlation(n=50, P<0.01), while the altitude is significantly positively related to the riparian plant Shannon diversity index and the hardening area ratio(n=50, P<0.05). This study can provide a reference for the riparian health and the protection of the plant diversity, and provide a theoretical support for the development and management of the riparian.

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KONG Qingxian , XIN Zhongbao , XIA Xiaoping . Riparian vegetation diversity and its influencing factors of Huaijiu River in Beijing[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2017 , 35(24) : 57 -65 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2017.24.007


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