There are a wide range of energy minerals and abundant reserves in the sub-Saharan Africa region. The natural mineral resources endowments are highly attractive to investment. Thus, it is important to strengthen the construction of energy and mineral investment in sub-Saharan region for promoting the implementation of "the Belt and Road Initiative" (B&R). This paper uses the fishbone diagram to analyze the primary and secondary factors of energy and mineral investment, which takes into account the energy and mineral reserves, socioeconomic factors, natural geography and political diplomacy in sub-Saharan Africa, and pays much attention to the energy and mineral investment factor. It provides an analysis model of energy and mineral investment in sub-Saharan Africa based on the multilevel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Based on the selection of index, establishment of index system and analysis of index weight, it also presents a study and evaluation analysis of the main investment factors, and obtains the investment weight ranking of energy and mineral industry among sub-Saharan African countries. Rich energy reserves and good geographical suitability are the greatest investment attraction; the capacity of diplomacy, legal environment and culture are the main risk factors that investment may face; the comprehensive investment environment is "excellent". This study provides a scientific basis and objective understanding for Chinese enterprises in the field of energy and mineral resources to invest in sub-Saharan Africa.
HAN Quan
FU Jingying
LIN Gang
. On the risk index of energy resources investment in sub-Saharan Africa along “the Belt and Road Initiative”[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2018
, 36(3)
: 108
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2018.03.014
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