
Analysis and validation of basic characteristics of intelligent products in the field of intelligent manufacturing

  • FANG Yifang ,
  • SONG Yanyan ,
  • DU Mengxin
  • Instrumentation Technology and Economy Institute, Beijing 100055, China

Received date: 2017-08-18

  Revised date: 2017-10-24

  Online published: 2018-04-04


The intelligent manufacturing involves a deep integration of the advanced manufacturing, the ICT and AI technology in the fields of end products and the manufacturing equipment, and the intelligentialization of manufacturing products are the core. The intelligent manufacturing also provides an important guarantee to achieve high-efficiency, high-quality, low-consumption and intelligent services. This paper reviews the latest studies of the intelligent manufacturing at home and abroad, proposes eight basic characteristics of the product intelligetialization, analyzes the related relationship between these characters and the intelligent manufacturing reference model, then validates the reasonableness of the characters of intelligent products based on the patents research.

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FANG Yifang , SONG Yanyan , DU Mengxin . Analysis and validation of basic characteristics of intelligent products in the field of intelligent manufacturing[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2018 , 36(6) : 90 -96 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2018.06.011


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