
Smart devices battery life technology trends

  • FENG Xiang ,
  • YANG Zhaokun ,
  • ZHANG Qiang ,
  • SU Yalong ,
  • QIAO Yun ,
  • LIU Sha ,
  • YANG Ruizhi ,
  • SUN Xiao ,
  • QIU Yun ,
  • WANG Dan
  • 1. Beijing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100176, China;
    2. Ordos Yuansheng Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Ordos 400714, China

Received date: 2017-07-20

  Revised date: 2017-10-17

  Online published: 2018-04-04


The slow development of the lithium ion battery material technology hampers the growth of the energy density of commercial lithium ion batteries. The form of smart devices develops in the direction of portability e.g. ultra-thin and ultra-light along with the arrival of the mobile internet era, which poses a great challenge to the battery capacity and the device stand-by time. This paper reviews the methods of improving the stand-by ability of smart devices, focusing on the technology of the lithium ion battery widely used in smart device and the technical status of the key elements in the lithium ion battery cell. The tendency of the device power consumption and the machine structure design of smartphones are analyzed, including the power consumption distribution and the technical upgrading of the hardware in the smartphone field. The display module is shown to consume most power of a smart device. The logic power consumption and the BLU power consumption could be reduced effectively by using the pixel rendering technology. With the integration in the PCB and the processability of the PCB layout developments of the hardware elements, a larger space in the device will be used for a larger volume battery. The battery life will be prolonged with the multiple coordination and optimization of hardware elements of the smart devices.

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FENG Xiang , YANG Zhaokun , ZHANG Qiang , SU Yalong , QIAO Yun , LIU Sha , YANG Ruizhi , SUN Xiao , QIU Yun , WANG Dan . Smart devices battery life technology trends[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2018 , 36(6) : 97 -104 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2018.06.012


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