China has made great progress in ecological civilization and there are still problems among natural reserves. Most of the endangered species are restoring and increasing in many natural reserves, and herbivore wildlife compete for forage with livestock and carnivore wildlife injures herders and damages houses and barns. Simultaneously, population and settlement develop and extend to the neighboring area, even into hinterland of natural reserves. Land functions conflict, especially between human and wildlife. It's important to study collisions and harmony strategies between human and wildlife. Taking Qiangtang alpine desert and biodiversity conservation national natural reserve as an example, the paper illustrates the conflicts in the last 40 years between human and wildlife, and then analyzes the drive force of the conflicts. Finally, some advices are put forward:(1) constrain the population and livestock amount in Qiangtang natural reserve and the neighboring area, and concentrate settlements into the region more suitable for human to live via ecological resettlement program; (2) harmonize different government departments such as husbandry and natural conservation, balance multifunctions of land including industry development and biodiversity protection; (3) build the Tibetan plateau national park system for strict protection and rational utilization of natural resources such as wildlife sightseeing etc.
XU Zengrang
JIN Mingming
. Harmonizing conflicts of land multifunction in natural reserves-Qiangtang National Natural Reserve as an example[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2018
, 36(7)
: 8
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2018.07.001
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