Exclusive: Intelligent Manufacturing

Future development of intelligent plants process industry

  • CHU Jian
  • 1. Supcon Group Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310053, China;
    2. Ningbo Industrial Internet Institute, Ningbo 315012, China

Received date: 2018-08-25

  Revised date: 2018-10-12

  Online published: 2018-11-27


This paper proposes a new intelligent plant framework, to realize integrated innovation of process technoly (PT), equipment technology (ET), operation technology (OT), automation technology (AT) and information technology (IT)to solve the comprehensive problems of production control, production management and enterprise operation by industrial integrated solution APPs, so that enterprises can always firmly control their initiatives to develop industrial big data and artificial intelligence. At the same time, an information security system of industrial control is also proposed based on deep defense, combined hardware and software to provide safety assurance for the construction of intelligent plant in process industry.

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CHU Jian . Future development of intelligent plants process industry[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2018 , 36(21) : 23 -29 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2018.21.002


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