In the new era, strengthening basic scientific research is of great significance for the in-depth implementation of innovationdriven development strategies and the construction of innovative country and world science and technology power. However, compared with the requirements of building a world science and technology power, China's basic scientific research shortcomings are still outstanding. The recent China-US trade friction has further aroused the society's attention to basic scientific research in China. What kind of basic scientific research China needs to become a technologically powerful country is worthy of reflection. On the basis of analyzing the changes in the main contradictions of basic research in our country and combined with the new characteristics of basic research, this study argues that building a strong country of science and technology calls for high-quality basic research. High-quality basic research development requires high-level policies and management, especially paying attention to the basic research, the cross-interactions, the talent, and the culture of innovation.
ZHAO Lanxiang
LI Peinan
WAN Jinbo
. Principal contradiction and problems in basic research of sci-tech power[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2018
, 36(21)
: 76
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2018.21.009
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