The internal mechanism and realistic path of cultural science and technology innovations are internal-external interaction and echoing each other. This paper summarizes the road of cultural science and technology innovation in science and technology powers, analyzes the internal mechanism of cultural science and technology innovation, and probes into the realistic path of Chinese culture science and technology innovation. It is shown that cultural demand and creativity can guide cultural scientific and technological innovations; science and technology innovation can support cultural industry innovation; design can promote the integration and promotion of science and technology innovation and cultural creativity. Towards the goal of the scientific and technological power in the world, the author tries to further study the internal mechanism of cultural science and technology innovation and consolidate the realistic path.
SUN Chengcheng
. Cultural innovation mechanism and path towards the scientific and technological power in the world[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2018
, 36(21)
: 84
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2018.21.011
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