In order to promote the construction of world-class societies and promote the mastering of specialized knowledge and ocupational capability for professional personnel in science and technology societies, the present study surveys the psychological state of full-time staff in the societies affiliated to China Association for Science and Technology. A total of 557 valid questionnaires were distributed and collected. They were compiled with Depression Scale of Center for Epidemiologic Studies, Career Satisfaction Scale, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Psychological Capital Scale and other instruments. Through data analysis, it is shown that the depression and the anxiety are common among the full-time staff of the societies, with the detection rate of 18.9% for the depression, 30.8% for the mild anxiety, and 18.9% for the moderate to severe anxiety. The full-time staff is relatively satisfied with their career. Career satisfaction, job involvement and career commitment vary significantly among different positions and income levels. Multiple regression analysis shows that both internal and external factors have a significant influence on the psychological state of the full-time staff. The regression coefficients of the emotional regulation and the job characteristics on the anxiety and the depression are significant, the cognitive reappraisal significantly reduces the level of depression and anxiety. The higher the job requirements, the higher the level of depression and anxiety; the higher the level of the decision-making autonomy, the lower the level of depression and anxiety. Psychological capital and job requirements have significant regression coefficients on the career satisfaction, the job involvement and the occupational commitment, among which the interpersonal psychological capital can positively predict the career satisfaction. Skill development has a significant impact on all three indicators:the more the opportunities for skill development, the better the work attitude. Excessive job requirements reduce the occupational commitment and the career satisfaction. The present study suggests that to improve the emotional health and work state of the full-time staff of the societies, attention should be paid to both the improvement of the working environment and the psychological selection and training of the staff. In contrast, the mental health status and the work attitude of lower rank personnel need special attention and support.
WANG Dongrui
WANG Yaxin
CHEN Zhiyan
. The occupational psychological state of full-time staff of the societies affiliated to China Association for Science and Technology[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2019
, 37(11)
: 64
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2019.11.008
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