When the system-of-systems (SoS) carries out its missions, it faces various risks of destruction, interference or threat from outside and inside. SoS flow vulnerability is expressed as the degree of impact of mission execution efficiency when a risk event occurs on the SoS flow. In this paper, a method for SoS flow vulnerability analysis based on information entropy is proposed. Firstly, for the risk events and flow structure characteristics, a vulnerability analysis process model is established. Secondly, the SoS flow is transformed into a directed graph model, and a vulnerability calculation model of node in the SoS flow is put forward based on information entropy. Thirdly, the directed graph model of complex SoS flow is decomposed and further simplified to three basic structures:series structure, parallel structure and combination structure, and vulnerability calculation models of these basic structures are also built. Finally, the SoS flow vulnerability can be calculated through the above process. A case study demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
WEI Zhengxian
TONG Pengpeng
WANG Hongbin
. A method for SoS flow vulnerability analysis based on information entropy[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2019
, 37(13)
: 40
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2019.13.005
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