
Research on 3D Visualization and Network Solution Optimization of Mine Ventilation System

  • WANG Liguan;WANG Zhe;HUANG Junxin;WU Lichun
  • 1. Research Center of Digital Mine, School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;2. Department of Safety and Environment Engineering, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang 421001, Hunan Province,China

Received date: 2012-03-20

  Revised date: 2012-04-20

  Online published: 2012-05-18


At present there are a lot of shortages in the function of ventilation software. The depth of mining is getting increased and ventilation network is more and more complicated. Therefore a new 3D visualization system of mine ventilation network was studied to solve above problems. Based on the method of circuit air-quantity and node ventilation pressure, a new improved ventilation network solution algorithm was put forward to calculate complex ventilation network. Based on a novel algorithm of double-line laneway automatic generation for mine ventilation system, closed contour was generated layer by layer, then the contours were triangulated and all the triangulated mesh was combined to generate 3D connected entitative laneway. System developing was made adopting the method of 'hierarchical platform+plug-in'. The system realized 3D visualization simulation of ventilation system, network solution optimization, ventilation management informatization. Its combination with mine digital software can effectively integrated monitoring detection system, realizing data management integration and safety management.

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WANG Liguan;WANG Zhe;HUANG Junxin;WU Lichun . Research on 3D Visualization and Network Solution Optimization of Mine Ventilation System[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2012 , 30(14) : 20 -24 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2012.14.001

