
Overall Operational Effectiveness Evaluation on Armored Troop

  • XU Kehu;HUANG Dashan;WANG Tianzhao
  • Department of Control Engineering, Academy of Armored Force Engineering, Beijing 100072, China

Received date: 2012-03-28

  Revised date: 2012-05-03

  Online published: 2012-05-18


A set of formulas are proposed to evaluate the armored troop operational effectiveness. The weapon equipments of armored troop to be put into use in a battlefield can be classified as the main combat equipments, the information equipments and the support equipments according to their allotment patterns under the information-based condition. The evaluation system of the weapon equipment operational effectiveness is based on the analysis of performance indexes of the weapon equipments, and the scientific and rational quantified operational effectiveness of the weapon equipment is obtained based on the evaluation system. A model of the overall operational effectiveness evaluation is established based on the weapon equipment evaluation system, which can be used to evaluate the combat capability of our troop efficiently. The example shows that the model can provide a rational strategic decision scheme for commanders.

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XU Kehu;HUANG Dashan;WANG Tianzhao . Overall Operational Effectiveness Evaluation on Armored Troop[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2012 , 30(14) : 59 -62 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2012.14.008

