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  • FEI Chenyu, LI Xue, LIU Bingnan
    Online available: 2024-07-10
    Jiang Zehan is a famous mathematician and mathematical educator in China, and the pioneer of Chinese topology school. In terms of academic research, he has been deeply engaged in the field of topology, led the team to achieve internationally remarkable results, and made every effort to promote the development of domestic mathematics research; in terms of mathematics education, he had attached great importance to the reform of basic mathematics education, emphasized the function of mathematics competitions in talent selection and the educational value of the history of mathematics, which has had a positive and profound impact on basic education; in terms of administration, he actively rectified the academic style, deepened the reform of department affairs, and vigorously promoted the prosperity of the Peking University mathematics department. He has promoted the flourishing of the Department of Mathematics at Peking University. Although he has passed away for 30 years, his educational thoughts and lofty spirit still inspire the younger generation to move forward bravely. The purpose of reviewing his academic life and contribution to mathematics education is to recall the past and inspire the future.
  • YAO Daoxin
    Online available: 2024-06-28
    Abstract (133) PDF (181)   Knowledge map   Save

    The discovery of bilayer nickelate superconductor La3Ni2O7 under high pressure has attracted a lot of attention, in which theoretical research played a vital role. So far, many studies indicate that the two eg Ni 3dx2−y2 and 3dz2 orbitals in La3Ni2O7 are crucial to the formation of superconductivity, while the O 2p orbital also appears on the Fermi surface. Multi-orbital models have been proposed based on the above analysis. Various calculations have shown that La3Ni2O7 has a s± wave pairing symmetry although other pairing symmetries can be obtained. Theoretical calculations have shown that the superconducting mechanism is unconventional and closely related to antiferromagnetic fluctuation. The vacancy of apical oxygen has a significant impact on the occurrence of superconductivity. The discovery of trilayer nickelate superconductor La4Ni3O10 under pressure further enriches the family of nickelate superconductors. More studies on these nickelate superconductors are needed.

  • KE Haibo, ZHOU Jing, TONG Xing, WANG Weihua
    Online available: 2024-06-26
    Abstract (112) PDF (97)   Knowledge map   Save
    This article focuses on amorphous matters and reviews recent advances in amorphous materials and physics. More recently, more than 30% of the lunar soil collected by China's Chang 'e-5 mission was found to be glassy, further confirming the widespread existence of amorphous matter in the universe. Topological order and inhomogeneity may be hidden behind the seemingly chaotic structure of amorphous materials, so amorphous matters have strange genetic, sensitive and relaxation behaviors, and show a series of excellent physical and chemical properties, such as extreme stability, super-plasticity, super mechanical behavior and excellent soft magnetic properties. The new generation of Zr-based and Fe-based amorphous alloys developed based on order regulation and high flux technology are successfully applied to core components such as folding mobile phone hinges and new energy vehicle motors, indicating that amorphous matters have irreplaceable application advantages. The future development of amorphous matters should focus on introducing a new paradigm of material research, attaching importance to the importance of process innovation, promoting the cross-integration of multi-disciplinary fields, giving full play to the advantages of advanced characterization technology and large scientific devices, and creating a whole-chain innovation model for production, university and research, so as to actively promote the rapid development of amorphous materials and physics, and expand the application of amorphous matters in high-tech fields. Make the future of mankind a better place.
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(23): 0-0.
    Abstract (196) PDF (101)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(22): 0-0.
    Abstract (63) PDF (104)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(21): 0-0.
    Abstract (155) PDF (149)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(21): 1-1.
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(20): 0-0.
    Abstract (114) PDF (200)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(19): 0-0.
    Abstract (117) PDF (111)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(18): 0-0.
    Abstract (156) PDF (145)   Knowledge map   Save
    癌症严重危害群众健康。《2017年中国肿瘤登记年报》 显示,中国每年新发癌症病例约380万,死亡人数约229万,发病率及死亡率呈现逐年上升趋势。
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(17): 0-0.
    Abstract (105) PDF (135)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(16): 0-0.
    Abstract (128) PDF (140)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(15): 0-0.
    Abstract (123) PDF (56)   Knowledge map   Save
    Web3.0是包含语义网、物联网、大数据、人工智能、区块链、交互设备技术通信网络技术和用户共识社区 (decentralized autonomous organization,DAO)等一系列技术的集合,是人们构建新型数字世界 (元宇宙),实现“ 人机物网 ”深度融合,达成标准化/规范化接入的美好愿景。
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(14): 0-0.
    Abstract (115) PDF (145)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(13): 0-0.
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(11): 0-0.
    Abstract (175) PDF (207)   Knowledge map   Save


  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(10): 0-0.
    Abstract (109) PDF (126)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(9): 0-0.
    Abstract (192) PDF (172)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(8): 0-0.
    Abstract (180) PDF (56)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(7): 0-0.
    Abstract (171) PDF (165)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(6): 0-0.
    Abstract (126) PDF (140)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(5): 0-0.
    Abstract (232) PDF (232)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(4): 0-0.
    Abstract (154) PDF (51)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(3): 0-0.
    Abstract (109) PDF (61)   Knowledge map   Save
    《“十四五”中医药发展规划》提出的发展目标是,到 2025年,中医药健康服务能力明显增强,中医药高质量发展政策和体系进一步完善,中医药振兴发展取得积极成效,在健康中国建设中的独特优势得到充分发挥。
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(2): 0-0.
    Abstract (374) PDF (114)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 0-0.
    Abstract (160) PDF (245)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(24): 0-0.
  • Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(23): 0-0.
    Abstract (284) PDF (80)   Knowledge map   Save
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(22): 0-0.
    Abstract (246) PDF (51)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(21): 0-0.
    Abstract (237) PDF (174)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(20): 0-0.
    Abstract (178) PDF (56)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(19): 0-0.
    Abstract (208) PDF (84)   Knowledge map   Save
  • SHI Zhiming
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(19): 95-105.
    In order to clarify the advantages and significance of using desert sand to synthesize silicate materials, the author’ s team has on-site investigated four deserts, namely Hobq, Ulanbuh, Tengri and Badain Jaran in the western Inner Mongolia of China, collected sand samples around the deserts and studied their basic physical and chemical characteristics. The research and application of desert-sand materials at home and abroad are also summarized, the social and economic benefits of using desert sand to synthesize silicate materials are expounded, and ultimately, the development prospects, main problems and countermeasures are pointed out. It is suggested that existing issues require comprehensive researches in term of the materials and manufacturing science, ecological environment, resource management, and policy to form a clear development goal and specific actions shared by the whole society. The results of this paper have important value for research, development, and application of desert-sand materials, exploitation of mineral resources, and desertization governance.
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(18): 0-0.
    Abstract (217) PDF (122)   Knowledge map   Save
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(17): 0-0.
    Abstract (237) PDF (70)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(16): 0-0.
    Abstract (132) PDF (149)   Knowledge map   Save
  • JIA Baoyu, DONG Junlin, WAN Jinbo, CAO Xiaoyang
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(16): 55-63.
    The competition among the world's scientific and technological powers calls for the national strategic scientific and technological power(NSSTF). Building an NSSTF coordination mechanism with reasonable orientation and complementary advantages is the key to enhance the national scientific and technological strategic ability and improve the overall efficiency of the national innovation system. Under China's national conditions and with the international experience, the NSSTF is divided into four types:The comprehensive, the professional, the cluster and the market ones, and the functional orientations of different types are analyzed, as well as the theoretical understanding of the coordination mechanism of the NSSTF, and the coordination mechanism of the NSSTF based on the collaborative symbiosis management model, and then some policy suggestions are put forward to strengthen the coordination of the NSSTF.
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(15): 0-0.
    Abstract (432) PDF (136)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(14): 0-0.
    Abstract (167) PDF (141)   Knowledge map   Save
  • Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(13): 0-0.
    Abstract (98) PDF (128)   Knowledge map   Save