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  • Exclusive: Post-pandemic Era
    CHEN Yinghua
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(9): 20-28.
    Abstract (552) PDF (1280) HTML   Knowledge map   Save
    The changes in the fields of education, business administration, transportation, science and technology innovation, logistics and supply chain management, etc. caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the post-epidemic era are reviewed in this paper, with research topics such as China's management of medical and health institutions, public health emergency governance, community governance, and national governance being emphasized. The "resilient governance" which is more flexible and resilient has become the common choice both at the national governance level under the background of globalizaiton and at the emergency of public health governance level which pays more attention on the community governance. At the same time, building an institutional coordination and collaboration mechanism that is more adaptable to the post-epidemic era is also a major challenge to future governance. Based on the above analysis, this paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the vague definition of the concept of "post-epidemic era", and discusses the current problems of inadequate use of research methods, inadequate research design, and separation of theoretical and practical values of the research. Finally, from the perspective of restructuring, the future governance concepts and governance models in the post-epidemic era are prospected.
  • Exclusive: Post-pandemic Era
    CHEN An, LIU Guojia, MU Di, FENG Jiahao, LI Jimei, CHEN Yangyang, LI Wenwen, ZHANG Shouhao, DING Shangyu, XU Jingsi, LIU Mengjie, CHEN Yanan, HUANG Zhuoyi, ZHANG Ruochen, LI Zeqi
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(9): 29-39.
    Abstract (725) PDF (1118) HTML   Knowledge map   Save
    We define the concept and analyze the connotation of the post-pandemic era by reviewing the recent foreign research on social impacts, risk prevention and control, and emergency management in the post-pandemic era. The current state of foreign research in the post-pandemic era is outlined, and the progress of foreign research on social impacts like urban planning and travel patterns, as well as core issues like risk prevention and control and emergency management in the post-pandemic era is analyzed in detail. The characteristics and shortcomings of existing research are summarized and future research in the postpandemic era is also forecasted. COVID-19 has had a huge impact on how people socialize, travel, and work, as well as changing industry trends, technical advancements, and social governance. Uncertainty is the most significant risk feature of the post-pandemic era, and the coupling of numerous hazards poses a new set of challenges to emergency management practices.
  • Exclusive: Post-pandemic Era
    XU Jingsi, WANG Zijun, LIU Mengjie, LI Liangliang, CHEN An
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(9): 40-52.
    The coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic spreads across borders with the frequent global population movement. To explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on China's domestic epidemic prevention and control, based on the classical infectious disease dynamics model this paper proposes an infectious disease model that considers oversea imported cases. The model can simulate three situations:national pandemic without imported cases, no domestic cases with only imported cases, and domestic cases with international travellers entering simultaneously. By calculating the peak case number and range of infection spread duration in these situations, as well as the amount of medical resources invested, the model has shown the different results of impact of entry type on the domestic pandemic and different pressures on medical resources. Finally, the paper suggests that testing measures should be taken according to the degree of pandemic risk and resource conditions, that strict prevention and control should be applied to the people not entering through customs, and closed-loop management to the people entering through customs, that entry quarantine measures and quarantine periods should be dynamically adjusted and international exchanges should be gradually resumed in the context of ensuring domestic and overseas epidemic prevention and control in advance, and that it is necessary to integrate medical resources, improve allocation efficiency, and relieve the pressure of resource occupation.
  • Exclusive: Post-pandemic Era
    MU Di, CHEN An
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(9): 53-59.
    The purpose of this study is to explore the optimal regional epidemic isolation pattern by optimizing the locations of emergency resource centers. To aim at minimizing the distance, a genetic algorithm is used to obtain the global distances under isolation patterns by administrative division, k-means clustering and grid partition, respectively. The results show that the global distance of the isolation by administrative division is the longest while the global distance of the isolation by k-means clustering is the shortest. Under the isolation by the k-means clustering or the grid partition, the global distance can be shortened if there are more partitions. During the epidemic isolation, emergency resource centers in the central or on the edge of an area should be constructed differently. Emergency demand points on the edge of an administrative district should be divided by the nearest distance. There could be delicacy partitions within the isolated areas for better management.
  • Exclusive: Post-pandemic Era
    ZHANG Shouhao, HAN Wei, LI Wenwen, LIU Guojia, CHEN An
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(9): 60-66.
    Under the background of COVID-19 epidemic, the domestic quarantine policy has led to a surge in demand for fresh supplies in the community. The insufficiency of resuming work has led to the limited distribution capacity of fresh food enterprises, and the transportation of fresh materials has faced more challenges. Based on the distribution time limit of fresh food enterprises, considering the preservation time of fresh supplies and the protection time of epidemic prevention supplies, this paper takes the community where consumers are located as the demand point and builds up an optimization model for the transportation path of fresh supplies under the background of pandemic. According to the model, a genetic algorithm is designed to solve the problem quickly. On the premise of completing the distribution task, an optimal transportation plan is obtained so as to minimize the enterprise's distribution cost. At the same time, changes of the number of vehicles required under different demand conditions are analyzed and it is shown that the number of vehicles required does not increase with the demand.
  • Exclusive: Post-pandemic Era
    LIU Mengjie, CHEN Yangyang, CHEN Yanan, CHEN An
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(9): 67-77.
    This paper constructs an index system for evaluating the efficiency of COVID-19 sporadic outbreak prevention and control from three dimensions (epidemic prevention and control, epidemic traceability, and epidemic background) and with nine sub-indicators (pidemic duration, confirmed cases, detection route, mobile population management policy, flow investigation and tracing, nucleic acid detection, etc.) This evaluation index system is used to calculate and evaluate the control of epidemic in all the 32 regions of Chian since June 1, 2020 to June 1, 2021. Results show that there were significant differences in the efficiency of epidemic prevention and control among these regions, that the intensity of prevention and control measures did not match the severity of the epidemic, and that the management policies for mobile populations across regions lacked a unified yet scientific basis. Based on these, certain epidemic prevention and control management optimization suggestions are presented.
  • Exclusive: Post-pandemic Era
    DONG Jingbo
    Science & Technology Review. 2022, 40(9): 78-85.
    This article discusses the balance between public health and personal information protection, and explores the path suitable for China's disclosure of pandemic-related personal information by means of analyzing the relevent rules and practices of other countries and regions and reviewing China's current laws and regulations governing the disclosure of pandemic-related personal information in pandemic emergency management. The article points out that provisions on disclosure of personal information should be added to emergency regulations. On the other hand, the contents of personal information to be disclosed should be detailed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law. The emphasis should be placed on the disclosure of personal information by the State on the basis of minimum scope principle, and on the protection of citizens' right to know under the principles of openness and transparency.