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  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    MA Yugang
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 14-29.
    Nuclear science is a broad and diverse discipline which bridges microscopic particle physics and mesoscopic atomic/molecular physics. From the hot dense soup of quarks and gluons in the first microseconds after the Big Bang, through the nucleosynthesis, to the explosion of stars in cosmos, nuclear physics is fundamental to our understanding of the universe. At the same time, even after more than 100 years' development, the field of nuclear physics is still vigorous. Moreover, the development of nuclear science and technology has brought new opportunities and challenges to mankind. In this review, we briefly review the frontiers and advances of nuclear physics in 2022, which have provided unprecedented contributions to the fundamental science, national security, and other social applications.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    ZHU Haidong, XUE hao, XIE Xinglong, ZHU Jianqiang
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 30-65.
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    Optics and photonics has penetrated into all aspects of people's life since the birth of laser. This article starts with the 2022 major progress in the field of optics and photonics and draws up an inventory in the future in ten optical research directions. The related research may likely have enormous impact on human existence and way of life in the future.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    SONG Yujia, YANG Jun, FENG Ye, GOU Lijun
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 66-78.
    This article reviews the hot spots in astronomy in 2022 from two aspects:scientific research progress and important scientific and technological events. The exploration of black holes took an important step forward. Webb finally reached the destination and produced the first batch of considerable results. NASA's asteroid impact test gained great success. The research papers produced by FAST and LAMOST remained at a high output. Chang'e-5 lunar soil analysis was full of surprises. And several space observation instruments were successfully launched this year.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    WANG Chi, SHI Peng, BAI Qingjiang, WANG Qin, FAN Quanlin
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 79-102.
    Abstract (248) PDF (1057) HTML   Knowledge map   Save
    Hot spots in global space science and exploration emerged frequently in 2022. This paper summarizes significant accomplishments in the five disciplines of space science, namely astrophysics, heliophysics, planetary science, earth science, and biological and physical sciences in space. James Webb Space Telescope and its first batch of groundbreaking images became the highlight of the year. The representative achievements of space science missions of various countries are listed, in which the breakthroughs by missions under CAS's Strategic Priority Program on Space Science and the research of Chang'e-5 sample are particularly impressive. Manned spaceflight has provided an important platform for space science and exploration. The construction of China's space station (CSS) completed at late 2022, which has attracted worldwide attention, and CSS is preparing to host 1,000 scientific experiments in the coming 10 years. The space science long-term planning and national space strategies of space powers are presented, and the space missions in 2023 are also prospected in the end of the review.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    ZHU Fang, YANG Yuge, JIANG Jiayan, LI Cong, WANG Chengcheng, HU Ronggui
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 103-123.
    Through exploration, innovation and engineering, life science research is enriching our understanding of the nature both outside and inside us, with the ultimate goal to better serve and benefit mankind. In the past 2022, breakthroughs were made in the field of many areas which include viral vaccine development in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, trans-species organ transplant, crop optimization, the complete sequencing of a human genome, gene editing and therapy, and so on. Herein, we highlight a few breakthroughs that could either significantly enrich our knowledge of the problem or have the great potential to immediately transform our conditions and change our medical and social practice in the related area.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    HUANG Bo
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 124-130.
    Global scientists have not stopped the pace of immunological research to meet the great challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past 2022, immunology made significant progress. This review highlights a few breakthroughs, including the indepth exploration of T cell memory, stemness and exhaustion, the discovery of new immune checkpoints and immune cell subsets, exploration of immune regulation through neuroendocrine and metabolic pathways, and exploration of new strategies for immunotherapy.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 131-135.
    Tumor immunotherapy has become the fourth type of tumor therapies after surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and a hot field of international research. Nowadays, we have entered the era of tumor immunotherapy, and immunotherapy represented by immune checkpoint inhibitors and genetically engineered immune cells is a promising therapy for cancers. This article summarizes the hot topics and key advances in cancer immunotherapy in 2022, including the breakthrough of chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR-T) in the treatment of solid tumors, the discovery of a new mechanism to maintain survival and function of memory T cells, the in-depth exploration of tumor immunosuppressive microenvironment to improve the efficacy of immunotherapy, and the important influence of intratumoral microbiota on immune responses against tumor.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    LIU Lili, HUANG Yaoqing, GAO Yuehong, LU Cainv, WANG Chunli, MAO Yanyan
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 136-145.
    COVID-19 has a great impact on human life. After the outbreak of the epidemic, global scientific research institutions and pharmaceutical companies responded quickly and stepped up the research and development of vaccines and antiviral drugs. A series of therapies such as innovative mRNA vaccines, antiviral neutralizing antibodies, and small molecule antiviral drugs emerged. However, with the emergence of a variety of COVID-19 variants, the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, neutralizing antibody and small molecule drugs greatly reduced, which constantly posed new challenges to the development of COVID-19 vaccines and drugs. This article reviews the research and development progress of COVID-19 vaccines and drugs based on literature and commercial database information. By Nov 2022, there had been more than 30 COVID-19 vaccines and more than 30 anti COVID-19 drugs approved or granted EUA, and many vaccines and drugs in clinical trials. China led the world in the research and development of COVID-19 vaccines and anti COVID-19 drugs.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    ZHANG Zeying, WANG Huadong, YANG Xu, CHENG Jingqun, TAN Zhiyu, PAN Xiangyu, SU Meng, SONG Yanlin
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 146-158.
    Constructing complex matters with unique functions is one of the goals of nanoparticle self-assembly. In this article we review the basic principle of nanoparticles self-assembly and discuss the interactions between nanoparticles to regulate selfassembled structures and materials with desirable properties. Based on these principles, high quality structures from zero to three dimensions can be prepared such as colloidal molecules, nanochains, colloidal crystals and photonic crystals. We summarize the important advances of assembled structures in sensing, optoelectronic devices, display, drug delivery and biomedical diagnostics in 2020. Finally, we propose the challenges of building new substances in this field.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    LI Cunpu, ZHANG Jingru, ZHANG Yue, WEI Zidong
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 159-172.
    In 2022, clean energy technologies were in full swing with a series of groundbreaking achievements. Technologies such as small molecule oxidation for hydrogen production and electrochemical reduction of CO2 opened up new paths for "liquid sunshine", and new breakthroughs were sought in the field of batteries to achieve industrialization goals. The limitations of "liquid sunshine", thin-film solar cell, fuel cell, lithium battery and biomass energy as well as the pleasantly surprising research progress are reviewed in this paper.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    SI Liming, DONG Fanghui, DONG Lin, ZHANG Qingle, Lü Xin
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 173-183.
    Due to the higher requirements of high throughput and large bandwidth for 6G wireless communication and space situational awareness (SSA) systems, terahertz technology has gradually become a research hotspot in worldwide academic and industrial fields. Spoof surface plasmon polaritons have strong field confinement in sub-wavelength region and nonlinear dispersion characteristics for the transmitted electromagnetic waves, bringing new opportunities for the realization of terahertz functional devices and system applications. In 2022, terahertz spoof surface plasmon polaritons received considerable attention in the development of passive devices, active devices, sensors, 6G communication and biomedical systems. This paper reviews the hotspots of terahertz spoof surface plasmon technology in 2022.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    FAN Liya, ZHANG Kefa, HOU Shouming
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 184-193.
    In 2022 the extended reality(XR) industry bucked the trend and burst into a strong vitality in software, hardware, content and application levels.. In this paper, the representative research progress of XR industry in 2022 is reviewed:XR hardware industry iteration was boosted through the release of thin and light VR all-in-one machines and consumer grade AR glasses; the transformation and development of the software industry was promoted by the gradual standardization of PGC tools and the rise of low threshold UGC tools; and abundant immersive events and performing arts experience for the public were exhibited in XR World Cup and XR concerts. The trend of software and hardware integration, high-quality and diversified content collaborative development was gradually emerging in the development of XR industry, which would definitely form an XR industry development pattern with common prosperity of technology, products, services and applications.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    XI Guangliang, ZHEN Feng, LENG Shuofeng
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 194-201.
    In recent years, the world has set off a wave of digital development. Urban digital transformation has become an important driving force for the transformation of production and lifestyle, which continues to have an impact on urban and regional development as well as urban sustainable development. This paper focuses on the connotation of urban digital transformation, digitalization of urban functional space, application scenarios of urban digitalization, and countermeasures of urban digital transformation. Then, several future research directions are proposed, including top-level design research of urban digital transformation, system coordination of urban digital transformation, spatial optimization of urban digital transformation, effects of urban digital transformation, and regulatory mechanisms of urban digital transformation. The study aims to provide theoretical and practical guidance for future urban digital transformation and smart city construction.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    CHEN Tian, WANG Yixuan
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 202-214.
    With the gradual development of the concept of resilience in planning and governance, the research and construction of resilient cities gained a new heat in 2022. By reviewing and analyzing the national policies, scientific fund guidelines, important reports, conferences and academic papers in 2022, this paper conducts a systematic review from five aspects:theoretical research on resilient urban planning, resilient urban response to climate change, resilient urban response to public events, resilient urban governance improvement, and resilient urban construction practice. It is proposed that China should form a sound technical route and policy base at the city level, coordinate with the control content of national land and space planning, guide the resilience construction content in various fields, and form the "four beams and eight pillars" of resilient city planning. At the same time, the government should set up a consortium with enterprises and research institutions to formulate detailed standards and guidelines for the construction of resilience planning in various fields and strengthen the planning transmission system. The overall guidance of the follow-up research and practice is the strategy of resilience building in response to "carbon risk".
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    DUAN Haibin, HE Hangxuan, ZHAO Yanjie, WANG Yin, Huo Mengzhen, NIU Yifeng, FAN Yanming, ZHU Jihong, YUAN Wanmai, DENG Yimin, LI Xuan, LUO Delin
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 215-229.
    Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed fast and made a series of breakthroughs in 2022. This paper summarizes and analyses UAV hotspots and trends in 2022 in terms of UAV regulations, design and realization, key technologies, humanrobot interaction and anti-UAV technologies. With the progress and popularization of visual navigation technology and artificial intelligence technology, the comprehensive capability of UAVs continued to improve and their application fields kept on expanding. Key technologies, platform construction and task-executing styles of UAV swarm were constantly improving, and UAV swarm became more automated, intelligent, cross-domain, clusterized and systematized.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    LIU Dong, SHI Wenbo
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 230-240.
    In the field of launch vehicles, the US, Russia, Europe and other countries accelerated the research and development of large carrier rockets in 2022 but the progress was mixed. The US and Russia launched multiple reconnaissance satellites as planned and space-based reconnaissance capabilities were constantly upgraded and improved. The US, Russia and China accelerated the development and deployment of advanced communication satellite systems with high throughput, high speed and anti-interference to effectively meet the communication needs of future operations and develop navigation capabilities in complex confrontation environments. The US high track wide field of view missile early warning technology test satellite would begin operation after completing in-orbit tests, with a certain hypersonic weapon early warning tracking test ability. As for the space control aspects, the US, Russia, Japan, Canada and other countries continued to strengthen their in-orbit debris clearing, in-orbit operation, and heaven and earth re-shuttle, while space security issues became more complex and changeable. To develop multiplatform ground-, sea- and space-based space situational awareness systems, the US held exercises such as "Space Flag", "Black Sky" and "Global Sentinel 2022" to steadily promote the space situational awareness capability of integrating heaven and earth.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    SU Buda, WANG Dongfang, JIANG Han, JIANG Shan, JIANG Tong
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 241-248.
    In 2022 human society suffered from multiple crises including climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and RussiaUkraine war, etc. This paper reviews a series of impressive results in the field of global climate change and climate governance in 2022. Recent progress on climate change is introduced from the point of view of continuous rising global temperature, record breaking greenhouse gas concentration, shrinking sea ice extent and rising sea level. Triple La Niña re-emergence, catastrophic heat wave-heavy flood in South Asia and heat wave-severe drought in Europe and China are selected as cases of extreme weather and climate events. Updating of global carbon commitment, promotion of the Multi-hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS), publication of IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) WGⅡ and WGⅢ, holding of the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) and the Biodiversity Conference (COP15) are highlighted to show the actions on global climate governance and updated cognition of climate change.
  • Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2022
    YANG Bo, SUN Xiaofeng, LIU Yu, ZHANG Lei, HAN Zhen, GUO Shiqi, LI Xiaoyan, FU Hui, LIU Yan
    Science & Technology Review. 2023, 41(1): 249-260.
    This article combines the pressure and pain points of China's coastal zone ecology, the progress of protection and restoration, and the international experience of coastal zone ecological restoration technology. In terms of coastal zone ecological restoration system development, territorial spatial planning, restoration under land-sea coordination and technology system research, blue carbon ecosystem research, and the evaluation mechanism of coastal zone ecological restoration effects, it summarizes and reviews the scientific and technological hotspots and important progress of China's coastal zone ecological restoration in recent years. It also summarizes in the main aspects of coastal ecological restoration for different types of coasts; ecological restoration of main typical coastal habitat types; scientific and technological application progress of coastal ecological restoration engineering. It proposes that coastal zone ecological restoration develops from projects to scene creation, and from technology to multiple comprehensive solutions. It has many synergy opportunities and great potential in related fields such as building low-carbon cities, improving urban resilience, creating urban landscapes, and inheriting marine culture. Coastal zone ecological protection and restoration technology and engineering will receive more attention, wider support, and more focus.